About CCHD

Citizen's Commission for Human Development (CCHD)    
Citizens' Commission for Human Development (CCHD) is a non-governmental organization. It was established in 1986 and subsequently was registered in 1989, with the Directorate of Social Welfare Punjab, under the Registration Act 1961.
It endeavors for attitudinal change to facilitate sustainable development, socio-ecological justice and equity in the society.
  • To increase citizens’ awareness about their civic, social and economic rights    
  • To promote a participatory and pluralistic civil society that employs democratic process as non-violent practices    
  • To broaden the base of social justice and economic equality in the society    
  • To undertake initiatives to overcome social, economic and environmental problems    
  • To undertake human resource development through facilitating capacity/skills development opportunities   
  • To network and collaborate with the govt. departments, NGO's, CBO's and international development organizations/agencies    
CCHD observes the following process to achieve its goals and objects:
Mobilization, Awareness, Organization, Training, Action and Evaluation
CCHD is a certified organization. It holds a certificate on Standard Management Procedures by the NGORC and USAID; it also holds a certificate from Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy under the NGO Certification Program. Both these certificates are acknowledged by all donor agencies and Government of Pakistan.
The certification process reviews CCHD’s management, monitoring and evaluation, governance and financial procedures and found them operational and transparent.
Following have been partners with CCHD:
CCHD also works with various government departments such as Election Commission of Pakistan, Local Government Department Punjab, Ministry of Women Development Islamabad, Social Welfare Department Punjab, Ministry of Law Islamabad, etc.
CCHD focuses on three thematic areas:
Democratic Governance
Political Education
Legislative Strengthening
Women and Politics
Community Development
Non Formal Basic Education (Primary Level)
Human Rights and Peace
Women's Empowerment
Women's and Children Rights
Legal Aid to Women
Violence Against Women
CCHD’s approach is derived directly from the political development and governance context in Pakistan. It encompasses participatory practices through activities and ensures proactive stakeholder involvement, particularly of the women.
Participatory tools, techniques and lessons learnt from other successful activities are used to solicit stakeholders' input and facilitate both lateral and vertical cooperation.
Effective communication tools are used to motivate partners, inviting them to play their leadership role.
Furthermore, CCHD emphasizes gender as an area that in the context of decentralization, devolution and improved legislative governance requires special attention. Mainstreaming gender into democratic governance process requires bringing women, workers and minorities to a position where they can take part on equitable bases in determining values, development of direction and allocation of resources. CCHD also ensures that women benefit equitably with men from access to resources.